Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mr. Speicher...

...is in La Paz!!
He arrived early Sunday morning and is now in Bolivia with me...I kind of can't believe it!
But it has been so nice. He leaves Thursday morning, so it's a quickie, but it's been good!

So far he's...
..seen my church and all of the friends there...
..eaten my favorite dish at my favorite Italian restaurant...
..napped for 5 hours only to go to bed for 8 more about 3 hours later..
..shared "kid-Megan" stories with my awestruck students....and..
..played golf on the highest golf course in the WORLD...that's right!

Tomorrow we're going to take the city tour of La Paz....on a double-decker, red bus! I don't think Big Ben is a stop, but it should be fun anyways. Then we'll walk around the city a bit more before he has to go back to Brazil, and then back to the states.

So far he loves my new city and the wonderful people I get to share it with....and we're both just so thankful for God's goodness!