I'm pregnant!
Yesterday was the offical halfway point.
20 weeks.
So exciting!
Since this is our first bundle of joy, there have been MANY "firsts" for us over the last 5 months!
We've now experienced our first...
... time reading a positive (or any for that matter) pregnancy home test {after I wasted the first one due to my false sense of urgency...}
... montage of pregnancy apps and multiple bookmarks of "what to do/what not to do" websites for pregnant women {which, at the beginning, I referenced almost every time I went grocery shopping just to make sure I could eat what was in my cart....the somewhat lengthy list was a little overwhelming for me at first}
At this time, our baby was the size of a poppy seed. Guess who thought we were having twins?
... first trimester nausea and cravings. Our little girl surprised everyone with her "savory" cravings of sushi and anything italian! She may not be made with as much sugar as she will have of spice:)..uh oh!
... ulstrasound! I was so thrilled and relieved to see the peanut inside of me that, before then, I had sometimes doubted even existed. {Esteban didn't need the sight of our gummy bear to know that SOMETHING was growing in me due to the amount of hormones that immediately introduced themselves to him through the form of "unnecessary" tears}
Her first picture!
... gifts for the baby!
L-R: soft blanket and a bilingual bear that says a prayer in English if you press one hand, and a prayer in Spanish if you press the other...THANKS Gramie! Her first picture and frame from a colleague. Flowers from Daddy:). The softest swaddling cloths from Auntie Jeni and the white baby blanket on the bottom of the pile belonged to Esteban when he was a baby- GRACIAS Abuela!
... bump pics:)
... 4th graders' reactions to the news that their teacher is PREGNANT! {And I thought our families were excited:)!} How sweet are my numerous notes and germ-filled faces pressed against my belly every day to "hear" the baby.
... 20 week {OK, we did ours at 19 weeks because I was a little impatient!} ultrasound with a view of her crazily developed yet tiny little body!!
So we know she's a little "alien baby" at this point, but I can't help but already think she's beautiful!
... announcement of our "spanglish" DAUGHTER!
Thanks to everyone for your heartfelt congratulations.
We feel so blessed by all of these "firsts" and look forward to the many more to come!